Catalogues, flyers & forms

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You would like to hold our catalogue or product overview in your hand? Order your free copy now.


Quickly get to the right document. No matter if you need our current product catalogue, our product portfolio, flyers about our special cables or our application overview. On our download page we have summarized all relevant information for you.

Further download options

Discover our downloads on the subject of safety and quality.



We continuously adapt our cable and wire portfolio to the requirements of the Construction Products Regulation (CPR).

Use our DOP Finder.

Zertifizierung nach DIN EN ISO 9001:2015


Quality is written in capital letters at TKD | CCG. The companies of TKD | CCG have been certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 for many years. But quality thinking at our company goes far beyond certifications.

Allgemeine Dokumente zum geschäftlichen Umgang

General Documents

General documents for business dealings. Here you will find our terms of delivery, performance and payment, purchasing conditions and packaging regulations.